zondag 29 maart 2009

Your website is finished and released, now what?

So, you finished your CakePHP programming work on your website en your site has just gone live!! Great, whoohoo! But, if you think you can go to sleep you are wrong, much wrong. You have just started, and you should focus on some other things.

One of those things is something like Google Analytics. Always collect statistics from your website from the start. When you have created a Google Analytics account and embedded the code in your pages, your data will grow as visitors come to your site.

After a few days or weeks you will be able to some analysis on your site. What pages do people like? What is the bounce rate of my webpages? Also write down the goals you want your visitors to reach. For example, you want your visitors to sign-up for your free service. Assign a goal in your analytics account to the confirm page of this process and add the other form pages to the preceeding funnel. You'll be able to see how many visitors exit the funnel before they reach the goal.

So, start analyzing your website, even if it is only for fifteen minutes a day!

And, go the Google Conversion University for some great presentations on this topic.

If you are finished and got your Google Analytics Individual Qualification, have a look at this old school stuff they brought to the iPhone.

1 opmerking:

  1. Can Google Analytics differentiate the traffic in the various controllers/actions of my site even if the following code is placed in the layout? I mean, I have tried GA in other sites and it is necessary to place the code in every page you want to track. What happens with Cake, where the code is placed just once?
