dinsdag 9 juni 2009

CakePHP themes 1 minute HOWTO

Did you that it only takes a minute to start using themes for your CakePHP application? No? It's just these steps you need to start using themes:

1. In your (app)controller: var $view = 'Theme';
2. In your (app)controller: var $theme = 'orange';
3. Or from a function: $this->theme = 'orange';

That's it! You can now create custom views and layouts for this theme under /app/views/themed/orange. Below that folder you should use the same structure as under /app/views. For example, create a file /app/views/themed/orange/layouts/default.ctp.

So, if theme-specific files exist in themed folders, these will be used, else, CakePHP switched back to the default layouts and views.

You can also create custom CSS and JS files under /app/webroot/themed/orange/css and /app/webroot/themed/orange/js.

Pretty easy huh...

Did you already use themes?

woensdag 3 juni 2009

Adobe Browserlab for webdevelopers

Adobe has created Browserlab. It seems to be some kind of browsershots.org and it claims to be realtime. Probably worth trying. Take a look!

Tiny CakePHP Plugin

Tim Trice has released a plugin to shorten urls. This enables you to create your own url shortener like tinyurl.

Link: http://www.timtrice.com/tiny-cakephp-plugin/