donderdag 13 december 2007

Programming Conventions


Did you ever had a look at the CakePHP Conventions? I use CakePHP also to have the same directory structure in all of my projects, but it would be much more readable if you write your code using these conventions. What do you think about conventions like this? How do you bring structure to your projects?

Also, I'm looking for the best way to use Trac and Subversion in my projects. Does anyone have any tips? Is it possible to export a SVN repository to an FTP location?

dinsdag 11 december 2007

Build a photo gallery with CakePHP and Flickr

This is a nice howto from Jonathan Snook on building a photogallery with CakePHP and Flickr.

Within a few minutes and with a few lines of code and a few components he explains how you can do this, and even make use of a Lightbox to show the images. Have fun!

Use the Pages controller for static pages

You can use the pages controller for static pages like /pages/about or /pages/contact. This is a built-in controller which has some other possibilities, described at the Bakery.

maandag 10 december 2007

TagCloud Helper

I was just having a look at The Bakery and noticed an article from Suhail about a Tagcloud Helper. I looked for something like this in the past, and it might be handy in the future. Take a look: here.

New layout

Hey, I'm back with a new layout. I hope to write some posts soon, so keep watching this site. Also, I am looking for something combining twitter and this weblog. For example, when I write this, I want my twitter feed to be updated... guess I have to write something myself.